Saturday, April 6, 2019

Nocturnal enuresis(Bed wetting)-Remedy in Homoeopathy-Case History:048

Nocturnal Enuresis:
                      Nocturnal enuresis is also known as bed-wetting during sleep. Normally bladder control develops at the age of 2 to 4 years. Bed-wetting after the age of 5 years should be notable. Urinary incontinence is due to the lack of ability of the bladder to control.

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Case history:

           A lady with her daughter came to my clinic. The girl sits with little hesitation. Her mother started to narrate her daughter's history...Patient X (age:13) has the complaint of involuntary urination at night time during sleep. The girl has the disgusting feeling of going to the toilet in her school because of the unhygienic surrounding. So she has the habit of delay emptying bladder. Actually, at childhood and all, she has the control but she had the complaints now only. She urinates involuntarily during her sleep at the time 10 P.M to 11 P.M.It occurs after she goes to deep sleep. She refused to accept that she had wet. Whitish discharge per vagina present. She is short tempered. While her mother narrating she feels irritated.Having desire for sour taste+,cold curd,cold food,pickles+,oranges+.Aversion to sweets+. 


           Causticum 1m has given on the first prescription. She had slight improvement but after episodes repeated.waited for 2 weeks. Then after persisting complaints Sepia 200 given. Episode frequency reduced. After repeating sepia 200 1dose she had nil complaints.

             NK Homoeo Care does not guarantee any specific results. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained in this blog are for informational purpose only. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine known for an individualized case study. Consider a Homoeopath before taking Homoeopathy medicines.

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