Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Leucorrhoea-Remedy in Homoeopathy-Case History:357


           Leucorrhoea is a term used for whitish discharge from the vagina. Normal vaginal secretion develops physiologically during puberty, pregnancy, ovulation, menses due to estrogen imbalance. In this physiological condition, no need of treatment is required. In non-pathogenic conditions, leucorrhoea may occur from either cervical or vaginal origin. Due to infections, symptoms like lower abdominal pain, itching, discharge from the vagina, offensive odor, tissue inflammation, painful sexual act, burning urination, sometimes constipation occurs. Most infections are due to candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis. In the case of candida fungal infection white vaginal discharge has a strong fishy odor. For investigation Swab test is done and sent for microscopy, culture, and sensitivity. The Pap test may be done at the same time to find out cervical cancer.

Image Courtesy: Top10Homeremedies.com 
Case history: 

              A girl aged 23 years came with the complaint of pain in the lower abdomen. Since 6 years on and off she had a complaint of profuse whitish discharge from the vagina, itching in the genital area, mild odor discharge. She has alternate constipation and diarrhoea, burning urination. While attending prayer in the church her hands and legs used to trembled due to fear+ and she can’t able to complete her role. Every time she used to prepare well and try to convey her message to all. But on seeing crowd particularly men she can’t able to speak and ends her speech without completing. While asking for desire and aversions she craves sweets+. Twenty Eight days once menses were regular and last for 4 days and it will be in bright red color.


          Argentum nitricum 200 is given to this patient and waited for ten days. The whitish discharge had reduced. This is 2nd week of treatment. The episode of pain in the lower abdomen was reduced. Burning urination nil. Normal stool. Continuing treatment, expecting favorable results.


       NK Homoeo Care does not guarantee any specific results. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained in this blog are for informational purpose only. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine known for an individualized case study. Consider a Homoeopath before taking Homoeopathy medicines.